Vince Recommends…
Each week I’m serving as your Life Coach (free of charge!) and explaining to you how you should be living your life. Like just admit it, things have been going way better for you since you started drinking Cream Soda at my recommendation…
So this week I’d like to encourage you to … go to a Third World country. You don’t necessarily have to do it this week, but as soon as you can. Why? Because it will change your view of just about everything.
The first time I did this was 2002 when I went to Laos. Never before had I truly realized that people live in one-room shacks, or that ten or twelve people might all live in one, none having a bed to sleep on. Never before did I realize that people eat the beak of the chicken. And never before had I seen so many dogs having sex. It’s all over the streets, it’s like a dog version of Studio 54, circa 1978, as dogs do it publicly and with no shame.
But seriously, never before did I realize how well I have it, and how much I have to be thankful for, and how I really need to practice generosity. So get yourself to a Third World country.
You’re welcome.