Verve Happs

Things are flying at Verve.

I think this week’s service was maybe the best we’ve had. We started a new series – The Me I Want To Be – where we’re talking about HOW we grow spiritually. We did three spoken word kind of poetry elements that added a cool emotive element. The band did a great job with specials by The Killers and Switchfoot. It all seemed to work together really well.

We’ve had several “marketing” meetings – where we’ve been talking about how to let Vegas know that we exist and we’re here for people who don’t like church, but are wanting to find God.

We had Brad Russell and his wife from Dulles Community Church in Northern Virginia here visiting us. Very cool people who really get what we’re doing.

We brought Julie Bullock, from Generis out to give us some coaching on fundraising. Everyone on Verve’s staff has to raise part to all of their salary. As a new church our offerings just aren’t sufficient to cover our building, ministry expenses, and salaries. So we have all asked friends and family and churches to support us financially for a few years. Julie helped us to understand the right and wrongs ways to ask people, show appreciation, etc. She was great.

And, speaking of that — thank you so much to everyone who supports us financially. We depend on you, and your investment in Verve is going to pay big and eternal dividends!