What You’ll Get…

This October we’re doing a lab for current and future church planters called Vault. Here’s a few reasons I’m psyched for the people who attend:

  • We’ll talk about branding your church to appeal to people who hate church. Let me tell you how many times I’ve heard that taught: Zero.
  • We are going to have atheists and skeptics who have come to Christ at Verve share what it was about Verve that caused them to show up, and stay, and give their lives to God. That will be amazing … guaranteed.
  • We’re gonna share how to reach people through an “attractional model” AND an “incarnational model.” The whole debate is stupid. It’s both. We’ve used both, both have worked, and we’ll share how.
  • The event will be small enough that you’ll be able to really connect with others who are attending, and with the people who are leading. (Like me. Talk about amazing!!)
  • We’ll talk about how to grow a Launch Team, and what to do with a Launch Team.

If you’re a pastor, and especially a church planter, you should totally come! You can register by e-mailing Kandyss: kandyss@vivalaverve.org.