That’s Vervalicious

Every couple of months we do an event we call Vervalicious.

We have some great desserts, which is almost reason enough to come, but it’s way more. It’s a time for people who are new to Verve to hear the history and vision for the future of our church. It’s a chance to meet our staff and see their families. It’s an opportunity to learn how to grow at Verve and how to get connected.

I think for a lot of people it’s when they go from “Your church” to “My church.” From “You guys have a cool church” to “I am a part of a great church.” And that’s a huge transition.

If you’re a pastor or church planter, you need an event like this.

And if you’re a part of Verve and have never attended, be there tonight, ’cause you need to go to an event like this.