I loved this last week of Verve.  Loved it…

  • We collected over 100 gifts to give to a class of underprivileged kids who probably would have had none without us.  Way to go Ververs!
  • Christmas Eve was a blast.  It was so packed we had to quickly add about 40 chairs for the 5:35 service, and it was still hard to find an empty one.  Robb’s twist on Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah song was hysterical.  I got all kinds of great feedback on the message and the entire service.
  • Sunday morning our attendance was light (which is normal for churches the weekend after Christmas) but … Tommy Altman gave one of the best messages I’ve ever heard.  Seriously.  The things people have said to me about it are amazing.  Tommy is great, and we’re so lucky to have him and Krystal at Verve.
  • Lots of new people are coming, and coming back.  I think 2011 is going to be a huge year for Verve!