This week we concluded our Crappy Love Songs series. Robb did a great job talking about what Jesus teaches us we should do when our friendships break down.
Joy Hoover led worship for the first time – she did awesome! (Speaking of Joy: The ministry she leads, “The Cupcake Girls” is trying to love on and encourage a girl who is leaving her job, and help her by giving her some girly items (hair products, shampoo, conditioner, etc, make-up, candles, etc), nonperishable food items (Mac n Cheese, canned goods, etc), gift cards (gas, groceries, Target, etc.)
and encouraging notes. If you’d like to be a part of this, please bring one or more of these items on Sunday morning or Monday evening. Give them to someone at the Velcro Bar. Thanks!)
Excited for the baptism service coming up on March 6. If you’re interested in getting baptized, let us know…
Verve’s Amazing Race is coming up on March 12. We’re going to do a Amazing Race style scavenger hunt all over Las Vegas. We need to have an idea how many to expect, so please sign up for it at the Velcro Bar. After the Race, we’re gonna have a party with food and live bands…
Our new series, What Up G? starts this week. It’s going to be REALLY important. And we’re gonna make a few big announcements during it…