We had another awesome week at Verve…

  1. We had a mission team in from Chicago.  Four people from one of our supporting churches who came to help and serve in any way they could.  It’s humbling and inspiring for us.
  2. Verve’s Amazing Race on Saturday was a huge success.  So cool because the idea for it didn’t come from our staff, but from someone in our church – Warren – who did an incredible job planning it out.  People had fun and lots of new friendships were made.
  3. We had our one year anniversary services, and talked about how God wants us to continue to have an impact – through serving and ambushing Las Vegas with His love.
  4. Our God Gives a Damn billboards are up, and the series starts this upcoming weekend.  We’re also selling GodGivesADamn shirts for $10, come by and pick one up on Thursday if you can!
  5. Speaking of Thursday, we’re going to have the NCAA Tournament on our big screen from morning till the end of the afternoon.  And join our Verve Bracket Challenge at, our league is Viva La Verve, and the password is vivalaverve.