Survey Results

We did our annual survey last week.  For those who are interested, here are some of the results:


  • 26-30:  30%
  • 31-35:  24%
  • 36-40:  16%
  • 21-25:  10%
  • 10-17:    8%
  • 41-45:    6%
  • 46-50:    5%
  • 51-55:    1%
  • 18-20:    0%
  • 56-up:    0%

Percent un- or de-churched before attending Verve:  67%

How hear about Verve?

  • Top answer:  Friend/Family invited me:  45%

Marital Status:

  • Married:  50%
  • Single:    50%

Have kids?

  • Yes:  52%
  • No:   48%

% of people who work on the Strip:  34%