I was gone this weekend on vacation so I can’t report on it, but I love having an awesome staff so we don’t miss a beat when I’m gone…

Last week we had 3 more people make decisions for Jesus and get baptized. Awesomeness!

Met with a guy last week who has an idea involving Verve that would be CRAZY if it worked out. I’m still not sure if it’s a ‘God thing’ but I’m intrigued.

Last Tuesday I mentioned that it was a tough week in the journey of starting Verve. I’ll fill you in on the details so you can pray for us…  Our church exists due to the generosity of churches and Christians around the country. We have people all over who are sending in like $20 or $30 or $100 a month. And we have some churches who have been able to give even more. And, at this point, we are absolutely dependent on all this money coming in. All of our salaries and a lot of what we do is paid for by this outside support. Well, last week I was informed by a church that had made a commitment to give us $50,000 over 5 years that they weren’t going to fulfill their promise. They had given $9,000, but wouldn’t give anymore. It’s not because of us, it has to do with a change in leadership at the church. And, honestly, it sucks for us. So if you could please pray that God will do something to make up for that lost money, I would appreciate it. Thanks.