VERVE Happs: We’ve Been Robbed!

Someone stole most of our block party stuff out of our trailer.  We’ve been doing block parties for the last year to try and create a little community in neighborhoods around Vegas. We had one planned for this weekend. But we’re having to cancel it because it would cost us probably $2,000 to replace the missing items (cotton candy machine, portable soundboard, bottles of syrup for snow cones, etc., etc.). Canceling this block party isn’t the end of the world, but I don’t know how we’ll ever be able to do another without replacing those items, which sucks.

So if you are feeling generous and have some extra money and would like to help us replace that stuff, please let us know.  We’d be very grateful.

And while I’m asking for donations:  If anyone wants to pay for our staff to be able to do a little overnight strategic planning mini-retreat, that would be really cool.  It would be great for us, but we just can’t afford it.  (And if anyone wants to buy me an iPad, that would be really cool too!)

That last request was meant to be a joke.  (Unless you’re wanting to give $500 to buy me an iPad, then it’s not meant to be joke!) But seriously, if anyone out there cares about what we’re doing and has some extra money and wants to give towards the $2,000 for us to be able to do more block parties, or maybe $1,000 for us to do a retreat, we would be totally appreciative.

Other than being robbed (and the fact that people at Verve, and all over Vegas, keep losing their jobs and moving out-of-town) things are going really well. I’m excited about all the momentum we’re seeing. New people all the time. Lives being changed. God is really good to us!