this weekend @ VERVE

This week we continue our Confessions of a Pastor series and I’ll be confessing that “Sometimes I Cheat On My Wife.” If you want to hear the dirty truth come out, you’ll have to be there on Sunday morning or Monday evening.

We also have some more FREE tickets to give away for the Mike Rayburn concert/comedy show we’re hosting on Friday, May 13. So if you missed last weekend, or want to give a few to friends who you don’t think go to any church, come this week and pick ’em up at the Velcro Bar.

And this weekend we continue sign-ups for Verve University. If you’ve never gone through our Verge course, you need to. If you have, you need to do Verse. And if you’ve done both, we have a cool new class called Not A Fan. You can register for any of those right now online.