This was a wow weekend.

We had our highest attendance Sunday morning attendance (other than Easter) in over a year, even though it was the first week of summer. (And yes, we do count. Why? Because every person in the total is someone who matters to God. And because it helps us to see what God is doing at Verve. And because over the years it will allow us to see trends in our growth.)

We had a great mission team here to help us from Palm Valley Church in Phoenix. (And, no, we didn’t count them and so they aren’t the reason our attendance was up. We subtract out from our attendance any groups who are visiting from out-of-town. Why? Because some churches count not because the individuals matter and to see what God is doing and to track trends, but because they want to show off their success and make themselves look good. But it doesn’t honor God when you mislead people about the size of your church for your ego’s sake. So we try to be careful to not exaggerate our numbers.)

We had 12 people give their lives to Christ in baptism!! (We had 14 baptisms in May, now 12 in June, and already it looks like another 5 coming in the next two weeks. How cool is that?!?) (And, by the way, as far as “decisions” – I know some churches count hands raised, or cards signed, but we only count baptisms. Why? Well, in the Bible, we don’t see hands raised being counted, or sinner’s prayers prayed, or cards signed. The only decisions counted were baptisms. And it’s just too easy to raise your hand – baptism is the big step and it’s not an easy one. And if you’re counting hands raised, how do you know you don’t end up counting some people multiple times?)

And, we did our first ever Snow Cone Sunday and Mayhem Monday. (And we know you can’t beat that crap.)