Things just seem to be going really well at Verve right now.  Our attendance this summer has consistently been about 25% more than our attendance the year before.  We had 27 baptisms in May and June (compare that to 50 in our first 14 months), and had 6 more this weekend (so now 33 in the last nine weeks).  We have more people stepping up to volunteer.  All kinds of great signs of real health.

Started a new series this week, Losing My Religion, in which we’re studying through the book of Galatians. It’s amazing how something written to people 1,960 years ago, who lived half-way across the globe, can be so totally relevant to us today in America.

Gonna be at a camp the rest of this week, so a few of the posts the next few days are going to be old one’s.  But unless you’ve been reading my blog for years, they’ll be new to you.  Enjoy.