We did our first ever “Vervecation” weekend.  The theme of our service was vacation, and we provided a little vacation experience in the lobby, with cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, a bounce house, and live music.  Lots of fun.  People stayed around and seemed to really enjoy it.

The message was kinda sorta my first book condensed into thirty minutes.  The idea is that following Jesus should be kind of like going on a life-long vacation.  Sound wrong?  Dumb?  Read the book then let me know what you think.

We announced that we’re changing the sign on our church.  Our sign says, “The Venue” instead of “Verve Church” and we had some reasons for doing that, but unfortunately we’ve had a bunch of people tell us that they struggled to figure out where we meet because of it.  So we’ve decided to change the sign to “Verve Church.”  We can’t afford to change both signs, so we’ll still be “The Venue” on the back of the building…

Excited for our new “Go For Broke” series starting this upcoming weekend!

Anyone who attends Verve want to be in a Verve Fantasy Football League?  Let me know…