Some quick thoughts on this weekend:

  • Continued our series through the book of Galatians called Losing My Religion.
  • Monday night was, once again, our most attended service. Crazy.
  • I think we have the most interesting and eclectic group of people probably of any church in the nation. Seriously.
  • The band rocked out the song Losing My Religion.
  • Our band practices (often on Saturday), plays two services on Sunday morning, and then comes back to play on Monday nights. That’s commitment, and they’re awesome.
  • Shecky won Employee of the Month … for the 14th straight time. Proud of that gorilla.
  • We talked about the difference between approaching God through religion, and therefore taking the status of slave, versus approaching God through relationship, and thereby being a child of God. Being a child of God is infinitely better, but most of us choose religion.
  • Excited to see all the school supplies coming in for the teachers of Dean Peterson Elementary. We’re gonna ambush them with some guerrilla love!