VERVE Happs, Part TWO

Here’s an awesome story out of Verve…

My daughter has a friend whose mother had her husband walk out, leaving her on her own with three kids.  Last year she lost her house and had to move, but had no one to help.  My wife found out, and we got a bunch of guys from Verve together to load and unload her truck.

Sooooo … We have a lady in our church who thought we should collect school supplies for teachers.  We collected (a ton) and gave them on Thursday to the teachers at Dean Peterson Elementary, a school in a low income part of Vegas.

It turns out that the single mom who we helped move has been going to school to become a teacher, and is doing an internship at … Dean Peterson Elementary.  On Friday she called my wife saying:  All the teachers here are going crazy over these gift baskets we were given, then I look in mine and saw a card, and realized that it was your church who gave them!  You guys are amazing!  I am so grateful for your church.

That is what we like to call guerrilla love.  Repeated ambushes of God’s outrageous love.
