Family Tradition: Christmas Morning

Because of my belief in the importance of meaningful traditions, I’m sharing a few from time-to-time that we’ve established in our family… 

So if you were at our house on Christmas morning, well, you might feel a slight bit weirded out. We are typically not too odd, but Christmas morning…

When we get up we don’t open presents. No, we go to the kitchen table, where I read the story of Jesus’ birth, shepherds, wise men. Then we bring out the birthday cake we made together the day before. (A special kind of cake we only make for Christmas.) Then we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus (weirded out yet?). And then we eat birthday cake for breakfast. And then we go to the presents. But before we do we talk about how cool Jesus is that it’s His birthday but we get the presents.

It’s a little goofy maybe, but it helps us remember what the day is really about. And cake for breakfast is never a bad thing.


  1. Anonymous on October 24, 2011 at 4:15 am

    That might be the weirdest but most touching Christmas traditions I’ve ever heard of.. So original though! (Dan the sound guy:)

  2. Anonymous on October 26, 2011 at 9:18 pm

    I love this! What a fantastic and original way to celebrate Jesus and help the kids (and adults) remember what we are really celebrating. We are so stealing this!!!!
