Family Tradition: Morning Bible Study

Because of my belief in the importance of meaningful traditions, I’m sharing a few from time-to-time that we’ve established in our family…

We have two kids, 12 and 10 years old. We’ve been studying the bible with them since they were around 5 and 3, and do it basically everyday. I desperately want my kids to really know God and to “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.” I think starting our day every day with God, focused on Him, will go a long way towards that.

Make it a priority. A million things will crowd it out, so decide it’s going to be most important.

Make it short and interesting. Especially if your kids are young, don’t feel like it has to be an hour long, or like you have to define “propitiation.” It can be 15 minutes and fun.

Make it age appropriate. When our kids were younger we used “devotional” books designed for their age. This year we decided our youngest is old enough that we’re just going straight Bible. We read one chapter (from the Verve Reading Plan), if necessary I explain the difficult stuff, and then we each share our “Now What” – how we’re going to apply it to our lives.


  1. Ashley Smith on October 12, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    Enjoyed your article referring to Bible Study with the family. Please check out a similar article ===> The Tie That Binds