This week we launched our new series: AKA God in which we’re looking at some of the names of God in the Bible. We started this week with “Yahweh.” God is I AM, and He is the answer to all the questions we’ve been asking.

We introduced a new worship song, one of my favorites, “Signature of Divine” by Needtobreathe. That song has some killer lyrics.

We’ve got about 14 middle school Ververs (including my son) going to winter camp this weekend. They’re gonna have a blast. And freeze, I heard it was 14 degrees at the camp today. These Vegas kids aren’t equipped for stuff like that.

Our Christmas gift drive for the 3rd Graders of Dean Peterson Elementary continues. Do you know the percentage of kids at Dean Peterson who are free or reduced lunches? 100%. Did you know that the school has a whole list of kids who attend, and are homeless? Most of these kids won’t receive a present if it’s not from us. This upcoming weekend is our last chance to bring them in, so please be generous and bring in some wrapped board games or card games that would be good for an 8-year-old.
