This and That

A bunch of random stuff from this last week or so:

  • Saw the new Mission Impossible movie, pretty good.
  • Excited 30 Rock is back on, it’s been too long…
  • The Dodgers are going to have a new owner soon, and the Raiders now have a new General Manager. My future is looking much better!
  • Read Redemption by Mike Wilkerson. Really good.
  • My favorite moment of the week was in our creative team meeting when Kandyss said, “I mean, how many bad things can happen to a person’s butt in one day?”
  • My least favorite moment of the week was writing on Jake’s bare chest and stomach. Come to Verve tomorrow and you’ll know why.
  • Watched The Debt on DVD, good movie.
  • Pressured all week (book publisher, church consultant) to start a FB and Twitter page. Ugh.
  • If you’re not so sure about Tim Tebow, read this article. Wow.
  • We have a bunch of Ververs doing First Serves this week – awesome. We were made to serve!
  • Doing re-writing and putting in some additional extra stuff into the new book I’m writing. Just about everyone I know wants to write a book, but just trust me, it’s not fun. On Thursday night I worked till midnight, and then got up at 4:00 am and got back to working. Please pray for me, I need it!
  • We have something REALLY SPECIAL in this weekend’s service at Verve. Trust me, you really don’t want to miss it.