We had a cool weekend talking about being a Transformed Tribe.

In the Bible, people who spend time with Jesus, who get close to Jesus, always get changed by Jesus. Changing people is something Jesus is really good at.  So … if you’re not changing, maybe you’re not as close to Jesus as you might think you are.  Maybe you need to spend time with Him.

At Verve we want to be a transformed tribe.  People who come to Verve do not and cannot stay the same.

We saw an amazing video with about twenty Ververs sharing where they were before coming to Verve for the first time, and how they’ve changed since because of God working in their life.

And we talked about the process that God tends to use to transform people at Verve.  We’ve seen people go from our Weekend Services – to attending our Verve University Courses – to getting in a Micro Group – to becoming a part of our Leadership Community.  Question: Where do you find yourself in that process?  And what’s the next step for you?  And why aren’t you taking it?