This weekend we celebrated Verve’s second anniversary, and it was one of my favorite weekends ever.

On Saturday night we had an appreciation banquet for our financial supporters. Some couldn’t come, but about 35 flew in from around the country. These are people and churches who provided finances to get us started two years ago, and some of whom are still giving. We wouldn’t exist without them, we are so grateful, and it was great to be able to show our appreciation.

Here’s my dream: I can’t wait till we don’t need financial support to keep our ministry going, but instead have enough money that we can give financial support to get other ministries going. Our big vision at Verve is to start churches in the most sinful places in the world – places Jesus would go, but Christians have avoided. Places like the Las Vegas Strip. But one of the things we need to do that is … money.

We also had a great service, taking a fun look at the last couple years, worshiping the God this is all about, and answering the question of WHY we started this church and WHY we do what we do. The answer: Because we believe that only meeting Jesus can truly change a person’s life.

It’s so amazing to me how many people have come to Verve these last two years, and have had their lives changed by meeting Jesus. And one thing I know: The best is yet to come! Here’s a video we showed this weekend: