Big Announcement!

I’ve been working out something for awhile and it’s finally official. As of today, I have a new job. I will continue working full-time as the pastor of Verve, but I am thrilled to announce that I will also work part-time with Will Mancini and his team at Auxano.

This all started back late last year when I decided I would get a second job. Currently I raise my entire salary from outside of Verve, but I thought if I could reduce my salary it would allow me to give even more of the money I raise towards doing ministry in Las Vegas.

So it started out as a sacrifice I was willing to make for the good of Verve, but I never dreamed I would end up working for one of the people and ministries I respect most and in a job where I get to increase my impact for God and His Kingdom.

I’ll be doing some coaching and speaking for Auxano. If you’re interested in finding out more about Auxano or how we can help your church have true vision clarity, let me know!


  1. Richie on April 3, 2012 at 1:16 pm

    Love ya man and praying for Verve, you, and this new venture. Keep pressin on man!