Address Objections

Salespeople are trained to anticipate and be able to overcome objections. If you don’t you won’t get the sale.

The same is true in preaching to a cynical audience. Most pastors speak to a agreeable bible-believing audience every week, and so this isn’t a concern. But if you want your church to be filled with non-believers, in the hopes that they might eventually become believers,
you must anticipate and address objections.

It’s amazing to me how seldom preachers do this. When I listen to sermons, even my bible-believing but still cynical mind starts objecting, “Yeah, but how do we even know that’s true?” “Okay, but what about…” “Sure, but you’re not totally being honest because…” And I find myself starting to tune out.

If you’re someone who speaks to (or wants to speak to) cynical people, when you write your message picture it more like a conversation. Ask questions like, “So if I say this, what would a skeptical person say? How would they respond? And then what would I say?” Anticipate and address objections. If you don’t, cynical people will tune out and not come back.


  1. Paul Urban on May 25, 2012 at 6:14 pm

    so true Vince, and one of the best ways to do that is to actually know cynical, skeptical people so they can be in the front of your mind as we speak.