
Back in January Verve committed to partner with three other churches in building a school and a church in a poverty-sticken town in Ecuador called Monte Olivo.

We had to raise $25,000 to make that happen. For a relatively small church, and a new church filled with new- and non-Christians, it felt like a huge challenge. But we are now at around $21,000, and still have a month to go. Wow, we’re gonna do it!

We now have the chance to sponsor the kids in the town through Compassion International. By giving $38 a month, the child we sponsor will be able to eat, go to school, get medical vaccinations – all stuff that is unavailable at this time. So cool! The picture to the right is Cris, the little girl our family sponsored.

We’ll also have opportunities in the future to serve in the town and meet the kids through mission trips.

Awesome, and so proud of our church!