Verve Documentary

One of the odd things that’s happened at Verve is that we’ve been asked multiple times about making our church (and/or my family) a Reality TV show.  We’ve said no every time. But then a friend of mine, Logan, who runs a media company asked about making a documentary for us. His idea was that we could use it to create awareness about our church and do fundraising for our ministry. That felt very different – there wouldn’t be endless cameras around, there wouldn’t be the potential for people at Verve to feel like their stories were being exploited, etc.

So we said yes. We asked a few people at Verve if they would like to share the stories of what God has done in their lives, and my wife and I shared our story of moving to Vegas and launching the church.

Well, the documentary is now done – there’s a website for it with a trailer for the movie – and it’s been interesting already. The trailer had over 2,000 views in less than a week, just through word of mouth. There’s a marketing company asking if they can help to get the film on TV or perhaps even a (very) limited theatrical release. (Which makes no sense to me personally, almost the whole thing is me talking!)

But anyway, check out the trailer, and pray that God uses this in a cool way for His mission in Las Vegas.