Online Verve Services – In the Middle of the Night!

When we moved to Vegas we interviewed over 300 locals.  One thing we learned is that many locals work from 4 pm to midnight, or 6 pm to 2 am, and then live their lives from when they get off of work (going out to eat, shopping, partying, etc.) until morning. Then they sleep from like 8 am to 3 pm, then go back to work.  They told us that the only time they could attend church is in the middle of the night.

So … we are hoping to launch online services of Verve, that will be available for viewing online in Las Vegas from midnight to 6 a.m., to try to reach that group of people.  The middle of the night may pretty literally be the only time that they can experience Verve.  Maybe someday they’ll come to one of our live services at a “normal” time, or perhaps we’ll be able to offer a live service in the middle of the night, but for now, we’re very excited to use technology to connect with people in this way.  (Why won’t we show the online service in Las Vegas live while we’re actually having our church services? Because we want people to come and experience it live and to meet real people in person if they’re able.)

These services will also be available (at any time) outside of Las Vegas.  This will allow those outside Vegas to experience what we’re doing.  We’ve also had a bunch of requests from people around the country to put our services online so that they can use them as a tool in reaching their non-Christian friends.

We’re hoping to make all this happen by early 2013, but to offer online services we will need to get a new website, and buy two new high quality video cameras, and a few other pieces of technology.  If you’d like to help make this dream a reality, you can donate specifically to it by going to our donate page.  Thanks!