Proper Time

Every once in awhile a book comes out that is so needed I feel like, “Thank God someone wrote that.” That’s how I feel about The Measure Of Our Success a book written by Shawn Lovejoy to challenge pastors with how they think about church and success. Doing a couple posts inspired by the book…

Lovejoy writes, “It’s a tragedy that some of us quit just before the next ministry high lifts our spirits. Remember Paul’s admonition? ‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). Maybe we should carve those words onto our office doors so we’ll be encouraged to endure when we feel like slamming that door and walking out. If you are experiencing a low today, hold on to the promise that if you will be faithful to your calling, a high is coming at the proper time. Most pastors quit just before the harvest.”

I totally agree, except that I don’t have an office door. I need to get myself an office so I can totally agree!


  1. Kevin Colón on September 20, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    i almost agree.

    Yes. There are times that you have to endure in whatever you are doing….professional ministry or your job. Tough times do come and perseverance is a good thing.

    But are there times that it’s perfectly OK to quit your ministry? Yep!

    When Jesus tells you to.
    When it’s killing or destroying something that is more important (your soul, your faith, your family)

    I’m starting to think that what Jesus was trying to protect was our faith and our ministry in a more general sense–not our professional, vocational ministry, or our 501c3.

    Keeping your ministry ablaze, being faithful to faith and love don’t necessarily require you Stick with your vocation in the way we’ve defined it in the US.

    Just some thoughts I’m processing lately.

    Your friend The Quitter 🙂

  2. Shawn Lovejoy on September 28, 2012 at 6:32 pm

    Thx vince! Appreciate U!