Big Announcement: Mission Boot Camp (2)

Yesterday I announced that in the future, rather than provide a mission trip experience to churches that send teams to us, we are going to provide a mission trip/boot camp.

What does that mean?  Well, honestly, we’re still working through some of the details. But we know that rather than focusing on what the teams can do for us, we’re going to also focus on how we can give the teams an experience that will change their ability back at home to be outward focused, serve their communities, and reach their friends.

Part of it will be workshops. We have seminars we’re going to take the teams through to develop their thinking and equip them with the skills they’ll need when they go home. We’re also going to orient some of the mission trip experiences (community service and outreach they’ll do for us in Vegas) around those seminars, and in a way that points back to what they can do in their towns.

We realize that by doing this, we’ll get a little less out of the teams. Some of the time they would have spent “working” for us will be spent learning for themselves. But we feel like the influence for God’s Kingdom will be much more significant this way. Rather than helping us for a few days and that’s it, hopefully it will be help us a for a few days, and then go home and the impact keeps happening.

Are you interested in sending, or leading, a team from your church to Las Vegas for a Verve Mission Team Boot Camp? Let us know. The trips are scheduled for Thursday at noon to Sunday at noon, and we have open dates in 2013.  We’re looking to do boot camps: February 7-10, March 21-24, June 6-9, and September 12-15.  But if you want to send a mission team out some other week, let us know and we’ll try to work with you on it!


  1. Mike Meskel on November 1, 2012 at 7:00 pm

    LOVE this. Can’t wait to be a part of this in June.