Big Announcement: Mission Boot Camp

Since starting Verve we have had churches sending mission teams to us. It’s been great, and we are grateful. The teams help us out in all kinds of ways – putting on doorhangers in local neighborhoods, doing donut dropoffs to neighboring businesses, giving out invite cards to employees on the Strip, and much more.

The coolest part, though, is usually what it does not for us, but for the mission team. In our debrief meeting at the end of each trip, we hear (time and time again) that people were challenged to see the lack of outward focus in their own lives, and inspired with new ideas on how they can reach out to their friends and city, and stretched as far as what they might be capable of doing.

So … after a couple years of this, we finally had the epiphany, and decided to do something about it. And I am excited to announce that we are going to change the experience teams have from a pure mission trip to a kind of combination mission trip and mission boot camp.

What does that mean? I’ll explain a little more tomorrow…