Not The Answer

I was a Political Science major in college. I didn’t want to be a politician. I wanted to run political campaigns. My college thesis was on political campaigns. And to this day I find the strategy of campaigns fascinating. And I voted in today’s election. But want to know the truth?

I don’t care too much who wins.

It’s not that I don’t think one candidate is better than the other. I do.
And it’s not that I don’t think one would be a better leader for our country. I do.
And it’s not that I don’t care about our country. I do.

So why don’t I care too much who wins? Because I don’t think politics is the answer. In fact, I don’t think politics are even close to the answer. We’re all searching – for love, meaning, hope, purpose, change – and the search can almost hurt, we’re so desperate for an answer. And I care desperately about finding, and helping others find, the answer. But I don’t care much who wins the election, because I don’t think politics is the answer.

My name is Vince Antonucci, and I approve this blog post.