Eternal Investment

We all invest our money. We might invest it in stocks, or a movie, or a fancy dinner, or a newer car. And you choose where you invest, but I want to give you a great option for some of your money.

Personally, I want to invest as much of my money as possible into that which will last for eternity. And in 2013 Verve has three BIG initiatives that will have an eternal impact in people’s lives.

There are still 1.8 million people in Las Vegas who don’t go to church, most of them don’t know Jesus, they all need to, and we’re the right church for manyof them.  The problem is that almost all of them don’t know we exist.  So in 2013 we are:

  • Doing a big “God For The Rest Of Us” advertising campaign in February.  We’re hoping to do a billboard, door hangers, magazine and radio ads, and more.  This would be our first really multi-faceted, integrated advertising campaign and we’re excited to see what God will do with it.
  • Launching online services in February.  We’ll be offering these online services at strategic times for people whose work schedules don’t allow them to attend our current “live” services.  We also hope allowing people to see what we do online will help take away some of the fear and will get them to show up.
  • In March we’re going to start having some Ververs host very strategic block parties.  We hope they’ll help build community in neighborhoods (desperately needed in our city) and give us a chance to build relationships with and invite our neighbors to Verve.
To make all this happen we are trying to raise $77,777. This will cover the costs of the marketing, and the equipment we will need to do online services and block parties.  Would you invest in this and make an eternal impact with your resources? If you would, that would be awesome, and you can do so at