Join The Team

Since moving to Vegas to start Verve I’ve been asking people to pray for us. I usually ask people to pray for Verve every time they hear the words “Las Vegas.” And that’s great. And if you’ve been doing that, thank you, and please keep doing it.

But this past year we’ve been convicted that we haven’t done enough to get people praying for us.

We heard a story about a missionary who was really struggling and was asked how many people he had praying for him everyday. he wasn’t sure, but assumed it wasn’t many. He was challenged to develop a prayer team, and he did. In fact, soon it had thousands of people praying for him daily. And he became one of the most effective and successful missionaries going.

We realized that in our very difficult city, we need to develop a team of people who will pray for us everyday. And so we’re doing it. Starting tomorrow we will email out one very short prayer request everyday. Will you join our prayer team and take a moment to pray for us every day? We’d love you for it, and you’d be making a big difference here in Sin City!