My Favorite Movies of 2012

Here’s my top ten favorite movies of 2012. The first two are about a tie, and the next four are pretty inseparable for me:

  1. Lincoln
  2. Argo 
  3. The Impossible
  4. The Dark Knight Rises
  5. Django Unchained
  6. Beasts of the Southern Wild 
  7. Silver Linings Playbook
  8. Wreck It Ralph 
  9. Looper
  10. Flight

Honorable Mention: End of Watch, Les Mis, The Hunger Games, Moonrise Kingdom, The Grey
Not Too Bad:  Bernie, The Amazing Spiderman, 21 Jump Street, Jack Reacher, The Kid With A Bike
Movies I wish I had seen:  Amour, Killing Them Softly, Life of Pi
Biggest Disappointment:   The Master


  1. Anonymous on December 31, 2012 at 1:50 am

    I can’t believe that you did not include the movie TED. That movie is So You!

  2. blogbycy on January 4, 2013 at 9:26 pm

    Vince – seriously Lincoln a tie with Argo?

    I am surprised. Lincoln was magnamtastic. Argo…?

    Happy new year, Mr. Las Vegas.
