Today Is Your Day

January 1st is a great day to start new habits and start living the way you truly want to live. There may be all kinds of changes you need to make, but let me encourage you that if you build the habit of reading the Bible everyday it will help you in every area of your life. You will feel more connected to God and you will hear His voice more often and you will have His guidance, and it will be SO worth the time you spend. It will make 2013 your best year ever.

At we have a Bible reading plan for 2013. Go to that site and SUBSCRIBE. Why? Because everyday you’ll receive an email with a reminder of what you’re supposed to read that day and a few notes and questions on that day’s chapter. In 2013 we’ll read all of the New Testament, and Genesis and Exodus from the Old Testament. So … do it, go subscribe and start reading the Bible everyday. Right now. Do it.