Zero Dark Thirty: The Risk of Not Doing Something

The movie Zero Dark Thirty is about the military’s hunt for Osama Bin Laden. After extensive investigating they feel 50 to 95% sure they know where he is, but they are unwilling to act. The risks involved seemed too great. What if they’re wrong? What if they’re right, but the attempt to get him goes wrong? Finally someone asks, “How do you evaluate the risk of not doing something?” And they decide the risk of doing nothing is greater than the risk of trying something.

That’s why I wrote my new book, Renegade: Your Faith Isn’t Meant To Be Safe, which comes out this week. It’s so easy for us to play it safe, because the risks involved in living by faith seem too great. We’re halted by the risks of…

  • Tithing – How will I live off of only 90% of my income?
  • Sharing Our Faith – What if I don’t know what to say or mess it all up?
  • Volunteering – What if it requires too much of me?
  • Starting a church – What if I fail?

But how do you evaluate the risk of not tithing? Of not sharing your faith? Of not volunteering? Of not starting the church? And what if the risk of doing nothing is greater than the risk of trying something for God?

The problem, even if we agree with that logic, is fear. We fear taking the risk. And I think that’s maybe my favorite thing about Renegade. Not only will it challenge and inspire you to take the risks God is calling you to take, but you will learn two powerful secrets to overcoming fear that could change your life.