Hey Church Leaders

Every year we do a conference here in Las Vegas called Vault for leaders who want to have churches for people who don’t like church. It’s (intentionally) an intimate sized conference – limited to about 100 attendees – with people coming from literally all over the world. Last year we had people pastors from Burma, Poland, Canada.

This October 14-16th we’re doing it again, and you can register for that today. But perhaps you want to come to this dynamic conference but aren’t up for traveling so far. Well, if you live anywhere near Michigan, we’ve got awesome news, as on May 8th we’re doing Vault Midwest at The Journey Church in Muskegon, Michigan. It’s going to be great, and I’d love to see you there. Register for it today!!


  1. » Hey <b>Church Leaders</b> | Vince Antonucci on March 28, 2013 at 4:49 am

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