Exponential, Auxano & Unique 19

At Exponential this week.

Spoke for the Auxano track yesterday on “The Six Elements of Compelling Vision.” The Bible says without vision people perish, and I’m convinced the reason so many churches are just limping along is because there’s a lack of compelling vision. Fun to talk about how to have and share a vision that stirs people’s hearts and moves them to action.

Speaking of Auxano, have you checked out the first installment of the Unique 19 yet? Auxano is highlighting churches that are doing something unique for God and His Kingdom – cool stuff!


  1. Mike Andrews on April 29, 2013 at 12:42 pm

    Great workshop. Thanks for painting a great picture of how those 6 elements have been put into action.

  2. Vince Antonucci on April 29, 2013 at 9:08 pm

    Thanks Mike!