Life Plan For Renegades – Only 99 Cents!!!

RenegadeLifePlanWhen I wrote Renegade we realized it was a call to radically different kind of life. It’s the life God authored and Jesus offers, but it’s completely counter-cultural today. So we thought people might need extra help to take the ideas and translate them into real life. This led to the creation of the Life Plan For Renegades. It’s an extremely practical ebook (workbook) that will help you create a plan for your life, to help you live the life you want to live.

We’re offering the ebook, for the month of May only, for 99 cents. Wow. This is a resource I truly think will change your life (going through the process changed mine) and you can experience that life change for less than a dollar.

You can purchase the Life Plan For Renegades here.