New Staff Member at Verve!

Big news at Verve this week. We’ve added a new staff member, Margaret Nitzel. Margaret has felt called to ministry since she was 15, and has been attending Verve since before we even officially started our church. Margaret has been one of our most valuable volunteers, and has brought a ton of people to Verve. We’ve been talking with her for about a year about her coming on staff.

To work at Verve, you don’t make much, and you have to raise almost your entire salary (like missionaries do). Margaret took a big pay cut and has made real sacrifices to join our staff, and we’re proud of her.

She’s going to helping us with community development within Verve (Verve U, Micro Groups, Volunteerism, etc.) and especially with community service outside Verve (our work at Dean Peterson Elementary, mission teams, mission trips, etc.).

To help people get to know her a little better, we hired the best professional interviewer and film crew in America to do a video interview. It cost a lot of money, but when you see the quality of this video interview, you’ll agree it was worth it: