New Vault Speaker Announced!

Our Vault Conference is 7 weeks away and I am beyond greg-rohlingerexcited to announce yet another amazing speaker: Greg Rohlinger. Greg was a featured speaker at this year’s C3 Conference at Fellowship Church in Dallas. He is one of my best friends and supporters in ministry. And he is the founding and senior pastor of Palm Valley Church near Phoenix, Arizona.

Greg will be speaking on the role of suffering in leadership, and it’s a topic he’s been forced to deal with on a very personal level. Greg has been diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy, a terminal disease with no treatment or cure. Greg is an incredible person and you will be blessed by what he shares in a powerful way.

Greg is joining a speaker lineup that already included Jud Wilhite and John Burke. AND we’re going to share our best learning from Verve in reaching people who are the hardest to reach. AND we’ve got a bunch of other surprises in store.

All this for $100. That’s crazy! And I think you’d be crazy if you didn’t register today!