Seriously, How Cool Is God?!

If you’re following me on Twitter – @vinceantonucci – you heard a piece of this story, but here’s the fuller version, and it’s definitely worth reading

I write out my messages, word for word, and then read them a couple times before Sunday. They never come out exactly how I wrote them, but it’s usually pretty close.

Yesterday, I was preaching in our second service when I started saying something I hadn’t planned to say. I didn’t make a decision to say it, it just came sorta started coming out of mouth. When I got done with that “section” – probably about 6 to 8 sentences – I thought, “That was kinda weird.”

So after the service I met this lady who was at Verve for the first time. She told me she was a Daoist who would be graduating soon with a Master’s Degree in Chinese medicine. (Daoism is a religion that originated in China.) (This lady was not Chinese.) (If you think it’s unusual for a Daoist to show up in church, you haven’t been to Verve. 70% of the people are not Christians when they first show up. It’s just about as good a chance for someone who shows up to be an atheist as a Jesus-follower.) So she told me she was a Daoist, and then thanked me for my message. She said, “There was one thing you said that I really appreciated. It was exactly what I needed to hear.”

I asked her what it was, but I was sure I knew the answer. The sermon was about the miraculous conversion of Saul/Paul, and I had taken some time to acknowledge how weird the story is, and that if you’re a cynical person with an anti-supernatural bias (which describes my natural mindset) it’s difficult to believe. But I explained that IF there is a God, He could certainly strike a person down, blind them, and speak to them from Heaven if He wanted to. If there is no God, this story is impossible. If there is a God, it would be no problem for Him. And I explained that people (like Oxford educated Gilbert West and Lord George Littleton) had tried to disprove the historical account of Saul/Paul’s conversion, but ended up proving it really happened and becoming Christians. And I was sure this Daoist graduate student was going to thank me for my intellectual approach to faith.


She said what she totally needed to hear was … the part that I hadn’t planned on saying and had surprised me by just kind of popping out of my mouth.

Ummm, yeah. Seriously, how cool is God?!?!




  1. Aaron Cross on August 12, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    We’re on the edge of our seats man…what was it that came out of your mouth

  2. Vince Antonucci on August 12, 2013 at 9:40 pm

    Honestly, I barely remember. It was something about how when we have a grace explosion it changes our motivation of living to love. We no longer live for money, or popularity, or the acceptance of others.

    • Aaron Cross on August 13, 2013 at 1:08 pm
