Help Us Reach Sin City

As a new church, most people in Sin City still don’t even know we exist. That means our first challenge is to create awareness, so people can come. Because if they don’t know about us, they can’t come, and if they don’t come, they can’t come to know Jesus.

In the Spring and Fall of 2013 we did our first advertising campaigns with multiple marketing pieces (billboards, radio ads, door hangers) and they were extremely effective. We’ve seen our church grow by about 100 people this year, and lots of lives changed for all eternity!

We want to do another advertising campaign in February, and need your help. We’re looking for 100 people who will each give $100 so we can raise $10,000 to fund this advertising campaign. (If you’d like to take more than one spot and give $200, or $500, or $1,000 – that would be awesome!) (And if we can raise more than $10,000, we’ll be able to reach even more people!)

By giving $100, you’ll be helping to introduce people to Jesus and change their lives forever! You can make a donation right now at