How Do You Convince The UNconvinced?

Just released 2 new FREE eBooks – here’s the thinking behind the books:

One is Preaching To The Unconvinced.

Christians believe, want to know God’s Word and come eager to hear your preaching. Non-Christians don’t believe, aren’t that interested in God’s Word, but sometimes end up in your services. So how do you preach to the unconvinced? How do you destroy the negative stereotypes they have about God, the church, and you as the preacher? And how do you help them to have ears to hear what God has to say to them? In this book I share seven practical principles I’ve found to be
critical and effective in preaching to the unconvinced. With each principle, I offer helpful examples of how I puts them into action, as well as some inspiring real-life stories of how the unconvinced have
become convinced.

The second is a companion piece, Sermons For The Unconvinced.

Principles are great, but sometimes we need to see something in action before we really grasp it. This companion piece to Preaching to the Unconvinced provides you with messages preached in a church where 70 percent of the people who come were unchurched, non-Christians when they first showed up, and where cynics and skeptics and atheists are coming to Christ regularly. The sermons are annotated to help you see the principles behind the message, and why and how they’re being
used to convince the unconvinced.

Hope you’ll download these free eBooks today. And if you could help me get the word out about them by blogging, tweeting, smoke signaling, or face tattooing, that would be awesome.