Today … You Change Your Life

If you ask me what has had the most impact on me since I gave my life to Jesus I would tell you it’s the habit of consistently reading the Bible. It’s fed my soul from day to day, and it’s been the path out of the worst spots I’ve gotten myself into.

Maybe you’ve never read the Bible much and don’t realize how it would change your life. Or maybe you used to and so you do know, but you’ve fallen away from the habit. Maybe you even made a New Year’s Resolution that you’d start again, but forgot.

Well, today is a new day, and it’s a great day to start reading the Bible consistently. And one reason is that today we start the book of Luke in our Verve Bible Reading Plan, which gives you a chapter to read everyday, and will take you through the entire New Testament and three books of the Old Testament in a year. Luke is a great place to start, so today is your day!

To help you, you can subscribe at our site (look towards the top right corner) and get a daily email that reminds you of the reading for that day AND gives you some background info and questions to help you understand and apply the reading.

You can change your life, starting today.