So He Circumcised Him (Acts 16)
If you read today’s reading (Acts 16) you may have skimmed right past verse 3. Go back and read it again, because you should have stopped and had your jaw drop open when you read the words, “so he circumcised him.”
Timothy (a grown man) wanted to serve God, but to do it, Paul had to take a knife to his weiner shnitzel. Do you understand that? Are you reading this right? It says, “so he circumcised him”!!!
Christians today ask certain questions and make a lot of objections before they’re willing to serve, and I think maybe the standard answer should be, “so he circumcised him.”
- “Well, I want to serve, but what if I don’t like it?” … So he circumcised him!
- “But what if I feel burned out?” … So he circumcised him!
- “But if I serve in the Children’s Ministry, I won’t get fed.” … So he circumcised him!
- “I’m not sure if I have the time.” … So he circumcised him!
- “But what if my house doesn’t sell?” … So he circumcised him!
- “But I may not like the people I’m serving with.” … So he circumcised him!
- “I don’t really like the style of music.” … So he circumcised him!
So what are you griping about lately? In what way is serving God not exactly what you want, or forcing you to do something you’re not excited about? Four words for ya: So he circumcised him!