Recurring Series – 5 (last!)
I’ve been writing about the power of the recurring series this week (you must submit to the power of the recurring series, you must submit to the power of the recurring series) – if you haven’t been checking and you’re someone who preaches regularly you might want to check it out.
Do you do any recurring series? If so, what are they?
I’ve mentioned that we do At the Movies and Seussapalooza. We also have a series called World Changers. I got the idea for it from Philip Yancey’s book, Soul Survivor. It’s a book about some of the heroes of Yancey’s faith. When I bought it I assumed it would be boring but the stories of the people’s lives were actually fascinating. So twice now we’ve done this series on people God has used in great ways since the Bible times. People like William Carey, Dwight Moody, Mother Teresa. It’s a fun, easy, and powerful series because these people have such amazing stories to share.