I’m speaking this weekend at MissionsFest Alberta in Edmonton. My first time speaking in Canada.
I did a comedy night on Friday, spoke at the conference a couple times on Saturday, preaching at a church this morning, and speaking tonight for the culmination of the conference.
I used to be a chaplain for a professional hockey team, so I guess this is kind of the next step for me. Pretty soon I’ll be eating poutine, saying “ah” a lot, and listening to Bryan Adams. Then the natural evolution is for me to become Prime Minister of Canada, but I’m not expecting that to happen for another four to six years. It’s a slow process, but know this Canada: I WILL rule you.
First of all, it’s “eh” not “ah” … and, the last time an American tried to rule Canada, we whopped your ass (remember 1812)!!!
Mmmm, poutine! Who doesn’t love french fries, cheese curds and gravy???