Another cool week at Verve.

– Our attendance keeps increasing, little by little. Our 11:35 service had been kinda low, but it’s really picked up lately. This week Monday night was a bit weak – stinkin’ Monday Night Football with the Cowboys vs. the Giants.

– I love the series we’re doing: Unstuck: The Remedy For A Crappy Life. I honestly believe the principles we’re learning can get a person from stuck to unstuck. If you’ve missed either of the two so far, you can listen to them here. We can get unstuck IF we actually apply the principles. If you’d like to dig in more into what we’re learning, use the VerveCatalystsBlog.

– Robb is in Ecuador with Compassion International. Pray that he has an amazing experience, and that what he experiences helps Verve to grow and have a greater impact.

– Still receiving all kinds of amazing e-mails from people who attended Vault. We’re thinking we’re gonna do it again in 2011, maybe October 10 – 12.