Loved this weekend at Verve. We changed things up, with Robb speaking, Cherie leading worship, and me doing … very little. We finished our I Want A Movie Life series with Inception. Did something different, and I thought pretty cool, with the opening. We played a way slowed down, kind of dreamy version of “Dream On” by Aerosmith, and showed the trailer from the movie, but we way slowed it down so the scenes had a dreamy kind of effect as well.
First service on Sunday we were so packed we actually had to add a row of chairs to accomodate people. Second service on Sunday we were so not-packed we should have taken down a row of chairs. Come on 11:35 Ververs, let’s bring friends and fill the room up.
Speaking of that – we are starting our new Unstuck: The Remedy for a Crappy Life series this weekend, and we’re making it a “get everyone to Verve” day. We’re each gonna invite ten (10!) people. This series is gonna be so helpful for people, you really want your friends there!